Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rubric for Education Essay

Stimulating Ideas (15 points)
The writing…
____ contains a clearly stated thesis statement.
____ supports the thesis with facts, examples, and/or quotations.
____ thoroughly supports the writer’s position.

Logical Organization (15 points)
____ includes a clear beginning, a strong middle, and an effective ending.
____ presents ideas in an organized manner to best support the thesis statement.
____ uses transitions to link sentences, paragraphs, and ideas.

Engaging Voice (5 points)
____ speaks clearly and knowledgeably.
____ offers a unique and engaging discussion of the topic.

Effective Sentence Style (5 points)
____ flows smoothly from one idea to the next.
____ shows a variety of sentence length and structures.
____ balances the level of discussion, quoted material, and variety of sources.

Correct, Accurate, Copy (10 points)
____ exhibits the basic rules of writing.
____ uses - MLA, APA, Chicago, other - documentation properly.

____ Total Points (50)

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